What are the top traits of a successful Hub Care Support franchisee?
As the Hub Care Support franchise continues to grow, we’re seeing some truly wonderful success stories start to emerge. Franchisees entering their 3rd year with high hopes for the future, some buying 2nd or even 3rd territories, partners giving up their jobs to join their spouses full-time, even the next generation being pulled into the fold.
One of the most interesting takeaways from all these stories is that we are really starting to see a pattern emerge of the kind of person who is able to take this opportunity and really make something of it. Now, you may have already read the webpage about the kind of partners the Hub are looking for, and it’s certainly still true that there is no one fixed profile when it comes to background and experience.
However, there are certain traits which, when combined with the innovative and exciting, new way Hub Care Support are doing things, really do seem to be a magical recipe for success.
For example:
- Drive & Ambition: essential for any business! Even with a great business model behind you, your success ultimately comes down to you, and you’ve really just got to want it!
- Resilience: Even with all the support you’ll receive, running a business is tough. You need to be someone who is ready to face all the ups and downs, learn the hard lessons when needed, and keep on going.
“Joining the Hub Care Support franchise is the best thing we ever did. I would recommend it to anyone, but I would also say: be prepared to work hard! If you’re ready for the commitment, then it will be very rewarding.” – Amy, Hub Care West Herts

- Positivity & Energy: How people see you is how they will see your business. A great attitude and positive outlook will filter down to your PAs and their service users – not to mention all your future clients, too.
- Compassion: You don’t need to have any experience in care to succeed as a Hub franchisee, but you do need to be someone who genuinely cares about helping others, and making a real difference in your community.
“I have always felt I am a person who puts community first. When I discovered Hub Care Support, it really wasn’t a difficult decision to join them.” – Bukky, Milton Keynes & Beds.
So, are you right for the Hub?
If you feel you can tick any of these boxes, we would love to hear from you. However, I also want you to think about this question, too: Is Hub Care Support right for you?
This is very much a people business, so I really recommend you come to know and understand the people at the heart of it. Not only will it help you get to grips with exactly what the Hub Care Support franchise is all about, but also help you decide if they’re your kind of people, too – people you can work with to build a better future.
So, I definitely recommend having a chat with the founders, Natasha and James. Their enthusiasm and friendliness is very infectious, and you’ll be able to appreciate where all the positive energy that’s always buzzing around Hub Care Support comes from.
If you’d like me to set that up, the first step is to arrange a call with me to go over any initial questions you have. Just click the button at the bottom of this email to schedule a call. If we’ve already spoken, just get in touch again by email or text.
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Then why not pop along to one of our free webinars? You can just sit back and take it all in, or jump in with a question when you’re ready. Here are the next available dates:
- Jan 29, 2025 07:00 PM
- Feb 26, 2025 07:00 PM
- Mar 26, 2025 07:00 PM
- Apr 23, 2025 07:00 PM
- May 28, 2025 07:00 PM
- Jun 25, 2025 07:00 PM
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